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The media myths about Bush's TANG service

Dan Rather seems to have been rather hung up on the idea that the substance of those memos were real, even if the documents themselves were fake. In a purely logical sense, the failure to prove something true does not automatically prove that the idea is false, so in this sense he is somewhat correct. However, CBS and much of the MSM (mainstream media) still seem to have blinders on about what facts are truly available. As a result, many falsehoods and half-truths are repeated as fact. One such area is about President Bush's enlistment in the Texas Air National Guard. It is too easy to give in on the point that he received preferential treatment and get caught up in whether the treatment was requested. In fact, there's quite a bit of evidence to the contrary - that in fact Bush requested a difficult assignment, joined a squadron already assigned in Vietnam, took one of many open slots, volunteered to go to Vietnam, and met all the obligations of attendance and service. Infidel Cowboy has a fairly comprehensive explanation of the real details of W's time in the national guard.


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