
My collection of rants and raves about technology, my kids and family, social/cultural phenomena, and inconsistencies in the media and politics.


Haircut on the fast side

Well, Genius Boy came home from school today with a two-inch strip of his hair missing. At school during craft time, he "decided" that he didn't like his hair so long in front (it was only half an inch to begin with) and the way it stood up, so he used his scissors and cut a wedge straight up from the center of his forehead.

Trish pulled out the home clippers and shortened it all to about the same length. I don't think he fully understands why we're upset, nor how much trouble he's in. He'll go to our usual friend for a real cut tomorrow sometime.

Sorry, didn't get any pictures. Luckily for Ethan.

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  • At 6:51 AM CDT , Anonymous said...

    I don't fully understand why you're upset either.

    Why are you upset? It's just hair. It grows back!

  • At 10:16 AM CDT , Ethan's mom said...

    1. He's five
    2. In the process, he stabbed himself in the forhead with the point of the scissors leaving a sore.
    3. He was in school and was to be working, not grooming.
    4. Yes, it will grow back, but not in time for picture day, which was a week later.


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