
The Children
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It has been an on-going challenge to try to secure the address for the Tongshan orphanage.

Here is the image of the address (written in Chinese characters) that another Tongshan family was given, saying it was the address for TongShan. I had a Chinese national translate it. However, he said that it did not contain the word "TongShan" anywhere. Instead it translated:

Hubei province,
Xianning city,
Xianan district,
Shehui Fu li yuan

So I am unsure whether it would truly get a letter to Tongshan or not. (Or perhaps there is someone at that address who will see that the item gets to Tongshan?)

I also was able to find out the zip code for Tongshan. Therefore, we DO know that an address in pinyin that would be CLOSE would be :

Hubei Province,
Tongshan City, Tongshan County
Tongshan Social Welfare Institute

If anyone tries either of these two addresses and gets a response, please let us all know!  Or, if anyone receives a correct address through their adoption agency, please share with us!! I, myself, am quite eager to send a letter and photo album to Tongshan, for our daughter’s foster mother, but I want to make sure it will get there!

Our own adoption agency told us that it is not possible to get the orphanage address. But that makes no sense whatsoever. I really think they didn't want to encourage us to write to them personally.

If anyone could at least get the correct address written in Chinese, and then scan it or take a digital picture of it, and email it to us, then we could just print it out whenever we needed it and tape to our package.

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